How Do You Know When it's Time for a Change?

Well, it is the end of an era! I began my newsletters almost three years ago and while it has been a pleasure, I have decided to move into a new direction! 

My clients come to me when the way they are living is a unpleasant or boring and they just can't take it anymore. As much as I love to be connected with all of you, writing these each week doesn't bring me joy. We have so many amazing ways to communicate now, that I kept wondering why I was doing this newsletter. The answer - because it's the only way I've ever done it. I certainly wouldn't accept that answer from a client.

I have come up with a new way to share my tips and insights each week and I'm excited to share it with you soon. Clear Space will be launching the new website within the next couple of weeks, and with that, you will be receiving my weekly musings in a different manner.  For now, we are going to be "Under Construction", but don't worry--I'll be back soon with new tips for you!

In the meantime, enjoy my 5 Ways to Lighten Up, things you can implement right now to start living with less. Also be sure to like us Facebook and follow along on my new Instagram to stay up to date with our new changes!